IVF Pregnancy Week Calculator

Calculate in which week of your pregnancy you are in with this calculator for IVF pregnancy weeks. Discover the due date for you baby and begin preparing!

Fecha de la extracción del óvulo

Nota: Cada embarazo es diferente, por lo que las fechas son aproximadas. No se debe tomar esta calculadora como sustituto del diagnóstico médico o el consejo de un profesional.
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IVF-Pregnancy-WeekThanks to this calculator for how many weeks pregnant you are from IVF, you will know exactly how far along the pregnancy you are and an estimate of when your baby might be born!

How does the IVF pregnancy week calculator work?

It is simple to use. To calculate which week of your pregnancy you are in you need to select the date according to:

  • Exact day of the egg extraction for them to be inseminated.
  • Exact date in which the embryo transfer took place (or the 3rd or 5th day of embryonic development)

Once these boxes have been filled in, click the calculate button.

Immediately after receiving your results, you will not only know the week of pregnancy you are in but an approximate delivery date (for individual babies as well as twins, triplets etc as multiple pregnancies are common through pregnancies from in vitro fertilisation).

Also, knowing what week you are in, you can discover a wide range of information about your future baby, for example its size and weight thanks to the fetal growth calculator, or you can start thinking about what you will call your future baby with our baby name selector tool.

How to calculate your pregnancy weeks with IVF?

To calculate how many weeks pregnant you are for natural conception, you will use the date of your last period, however, for in vitro fertilisation this isn’t possible as the insemination has taken place outside of the woman’s body and the process takes time to be as successful as possible.

That’s why the calculation is slightly different as you will use the date of the embryonic transfer as the moment to start calculating. If you have doubts it’s better to consult a medical specialist to explain in detail how to do the calculation.