Daily Calorie Calculator

Find out your daily calorie intake with the free Daily Calorie Calculator. Improve your lifestyle and diet with the help of the daily Calorie Counter now!

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How many Calories should I be consuming every day?

Calorie CounterThe Daily Calorie Calculator can help you to find out how many calories you should be consumingevery day. Assesing your weight and fitness level, the Calorie Counter shows you the average calorie intake to maintain your current weight or to lose weight. Use the free Daily Calorie Calculator to start changing your diet and improving your healthy lifestyle!

How does the Daily Calorie Calculator work?

The Daily Calorie Calculator simply needs you to enter your weight (in kilos) and general fitness level into the Calorie Counter fields. Once you press the calculate button, the free Calorie Calculator will immediately show  you the calorie intake recommended for weight loss as well as the calorie intake advised for weight maintenance.

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