Maximum Heart Rate Calculator

Find out your Maximum Heart Rate with the Maximum Heart Rate Calculator which can determine if you need to increase or lower the intensity of your workouts.


Basal Heart Rate

Physical shape

Maximum Heart Rate = 0ppm

Mininum Heart Rate for Aerobic Training = 0ppm

Maximum Heart Rate for Aerobic Training = 0ppm

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The Maximum Heart Rate Calculator determines the range of your heart rate and is based on two factors : your age, your physical shape and your basal heart frequency

Maximum Heart Rate Calculator

The Basal Heart Frequency is simply the heart rate that we have whilst resting or lying down. The best way to calculate the Basal Heart Frequency is by measuring your pulse just after waking up. It should be around 60 – 70 beats per minute.


How do you interpret the Maximum Heart Rate Calculator results?

The Maximum Heart Rate Calculator will take two things into account:

  •  Frequency of maximum heart rate = maximum limit of pulsations that should not be exceeded as it comprises the health. 
  • Aerobic training heart rate, maximum and minimum = Range of pulsations that is advised to maintain whilst doing aerobic activity.