Pokémon CP Calculator

Don’t waste any more resources on Pokémon Go. Estimate your Pokémon CP once its evolved, with our Pokémon Combat Points calculator.

Calculadora de Evolución Pokémon


Puntos de Combate (CP)


Puntos de combate estimados


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¿How does the Combat Power calculator work?

It’s very simple. First, choose your Pokémon, the one that you want to evolve. Then, write your Pokémon current combat points (CP), and clic “Calculate”. You’ll obtain, immediately, a prediction about the power of your Pokémon after its evolution. You will also get an estimation of its maximum power and the number of necessary candy that you’ll need.

As you know, evolving a Pokémon demands high resources, like lots of candy (Pokémon specific), and the evolution might only result in a very small increase in your CP. In order to prevent using resources that aren’t to be worth it in the long run, using our Combat Power calculator will help you to determine which Pokémon you want to evolve.

This estimates are not 100% accurate but they are close enough for you, if you don’t want to waste any resources.