Alcohol makes you put on weight! Discover how many calories are in some of your favourite drinks using our simple calorie calculator.
This online calculator works very simply. Above you will find a list of the main alcoholic drinks categorised by their type (e.g. spirits, liqueurs, wine, beer, cocktails). Next to each drink you will see all the useful information you need such as the quantity of liquid and quantity of calories.
How does the calorie calculator work?
If you want to calculate how many calories are usually consumed through alcoholic drinks, you can easily do so by indicating the number of each type of drink you would usually consume in a week and using the calculator you can view your total calories consumed.
Millilitres or Ounces?
The table of calories and the calculator are configured by defect using the standard metric measuring system of millilitres. However, if you want to know the equivalent quantity in ounces (oz), you can use the following converter:
Convert millilitres to liquid ounces