Slope Calculator

Need to find out the slope of your function, or the percentage of the slope? Find out with our calculator what you need to do in no time at all.

Calculating the slope of a line or graph or triangle is an essential part of mathematics, and indeed useful for many other sectors such as architecture, statistics, art or urban design. It may seem like a simple concept at first but calculating a slope can become a critical part of a project and is often more complicated than you think. This helpful slope calculator, as part of our mathematics calculators series, will help you calculate the slope, also known as the coefficient,  quickly without having to get your pen and paper out.

How do you find the slope in a graph

To have a slope you need two points. These points have coordinates. In the Earth’s ecosystem we often talk about slope in relation to its position to the ground (in meters). In pure mathematics we usually employ an abstract graphical representation with an X and a Y axis.

Your two points that constitute a line, have coordinates based on these axes. With (0,0) being the intersection of the X and Y axis, your two points will both have coordinates noted as (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) based on their distance from (0, 0). With these coordinates you can calculate the line that links both points via this formula :

Slope (m) = (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1)

Horizontal lines have a slope of zero, while a vertical one is impossible, as the x values will line up, have the same value and thus subtract to 0. A ratio cannot be divided by zero, hence the impossibility of the vertical slope.

How do you find the slope of a hill?

To find the slope of a hill or mountain on earth, we take from the altitude from the ground to the top (as a vertical line) and the distance from the foot of the hill to the vertical line going from the ground to the top of the hill. As long as you know the height of the hill from its base and the distance between you and the vertical line from the top of the hill to the base, you will be able to calculate it by emulating the formula above.

How do you calculate a % slope on a hill?

To calculate the percentage of a slope, it is somewhat similar to the slope of the hill. You divide the amount of distance from your starting point to the top by the altitude. You then multiply this by 100 to get a percentage. Use our percentage calculator to convert your slope into a percentage.

How do you use a slope calculator?

You simply need to put in the values of the x and y coordinates of your two points :

x1 as the horizontal distance of point 1 from 0,0

y1 as the vertical distance of point 1 from 0,0

x2 as the horizontal distance of point 2

y2 as the vertical distance of point 2

If you are calculating a physical slope, remember that you can simply take your starting position (the ground, x1 and y1) as the coordinates (0,0). You will need the height and the length of the hill from the base.

What is y = mx+b?

Y = mx + b is the equation of a linear function. It is one of the most important functions in mathematics. In the formula, the m refers to the slope and is often deduced via the formula. the b (sometimes also c or p) is the constant and x and y are filled in the form of coordinates. Thus, if you have the constant and just one point, you will be able to deduce the slope.

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